How to register a business in Germany?

The country has earned its reputation for being bureaucratic in this country. To open a company in Germany, you must fill out the form after the form and in addition to various government organizations, banks, notaries and perhaps legal or financial professionals will also have to go. Freelancers and small business owners have to follow the following steps:

register a business in Germany

1. Choose a company name

The rules start with what you can give to children - both human and corporate. Although the rules are quite straightforward. Small businesses that are not registered in the commercial register must include the owner's first and last name, the official business name (Unternehmensbezeichnung), but may be more creative with the name of the trade (Geschäftsbezeichnungen). On the other hand, a registered businessman does not have to include his name, but he will still have to choose an individual, descriptive name. Because of the difference between commercial and citizen code will be done.
For other types of organizations, you can create a business name as long as you include the legal form. The only condition is that the name should be unique, so that customers can identify your business by name and it does not confuse the nature of your business. For example, "Berlin lawyer GMBH" and "Finance Institute AG" probably will not be allowed because they are confusing to very common and potential customers.

After working well for your name you can check with the commercial name (handelstrister) if the name you choose is already used and the local name (Amtsgericht) is about whether you have met all the naming requirements. If you and more than one person have formed an organization, then you have to sit with everyone involved in the organization's outline (Unternehmensgegenstand). Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Industry-End Handler, IHK) offers free checks for your company's name and purpose, so take advantage of this service!
Anyone worried can copy your name or brand? Talk to the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) about the security of your intellectual property.

2. Visit a notary

An important step to start a business in Germany is to Associate Articles (Gesellschaftsvertrag). It is a type of business, founder member, startup cost, a shareholder, how the profit is distributed, and more. In some cases, you must have these articles from the registered societies. They will ensure that everything, especially financially, is in the order and registers with the commercial registry (handlagaster). This step is required for all commercial businesses, which means that freelancers and small businesses are allowed under citizen code (eg GbR). Due to the different requirements of the registration costs due to the types of legal forms, but expect to pay between € 150 and € 500 in addition to note fees.
You can find a notary here to speak your language.

3. Go to the Trade Office (Gewerbeamt)

This is where you apply for a trade license (Gewerbeamt) by providing a detailed description of your organization, as well as the necessary permits. In addition to the sole owner of Fraserfluch, it is also necessary for all types of business, which can move to the finanzam step right.
If you are a liberal professional (physician, chemist, architect, engineer, etc.) you may need special permits, which can be found in your respective chamber for generous occupations (such as the Architectenhammer or stewartercracker). Check out Master Croftman's certificate (Mayestorf) for the craftsman (carpenter, glassblower, etc.), Chamber for Skilled Crafts (HandworkScammer - HWC). Also, if your business may need your health certificate from the public health office (Gesundithmate) for good hygiene (food services, working with minors). If you are not sure if you need a permit then speak directly to IHK.
Regardless of your legal form, to register a business in Germany, you must bring the following:
  • A valid ID card or passport and visa for each installer
  •  Mallebeschigong (confirmation of residence / residence confirmation) for each founder
  • Mun Gewerbe-Anmeldung (business registration form) for your municipality
  • Registration fees between 10 € 10 and € 40
  • No compulsory permit (such as a craftsman license)
  • If Police Clearance (FĂĽhrungszeugnis) is required
  • (Notarized) Corporation and association article for partnership
Do not talk too many German yet? In some states, such as Berlin and Hessen, you can fill in the required forms in English.

4. Register with Finanzamt

Finally, in order to register a business in Germany, you have to go to the local finance office (Finanzamt Jur Stuarellil Effassang) to break the tax questions. Corporations and partnerships should display copies of association, trade license and entry articles in the commercial registry. Once everything is checked, FinanceZam will ask you for additional documents or you will be requested if you provide business request-ID (Stuueramar) and VAT ID number (Umsatzsteuernummer-Ust.-IdNr.).
Once you get the VAT ID number to meet - open champagne! You can finally start to run.

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